2013 Festivals in Historic Wallace and the Silver Valley

Every year sees an amazing range of festivals that help make this the most fascinating small town in America! On this page, I present an enhanced version of the 2013 Wallace Chamber of Commerce Events Calendar. Many Silver Valley events are also included. Several of Wallace's festivals are large enough to warrant their own pages, complete with photos and forms.
Greg Marsh

Last event added on Thursday, August 16, 2018.

webwork by Marsh Scientific Services in progress always waiting for more 2013 calendar info
meanwhile reference 2012 calendar for recurring events

click to see Depot Day 2012
Depot Day 2012
photos, video and winners

The 71th running of the Lead Creek Derby from Mullan to Wallace, June
   16, 2012
winners at the 71st Lead Creek Derby, June 16, 2012
click to open  2010 Photos and Winners page in separate window
Huckleberry Festival 2010
Photos and Winners
click to open Yuletide Lighting Festival 2010 page in separate window
Yuletide Lighting Festival 2010
Three summers ago we commemorated the Great Fire of 1910 and those who gave their lives to fight it.
click to see pdf poster for 1910 Fireman's Ball, Saturday March 6, 2010
Jump to Link Table
I-90, Montana Exit 0 camera facing northwest
current weather
on Lookout Pass

webwork by Marsh Scientific Services in progress If you know of a Silver Valley Event that is not listed below, or you see an error, please use this form to let me know. Thank You.
Greg Marsh


JANUARY 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 4 page, 1.42 MB PDF file

11 Joint Chamber Installation Banquet in Kellogg (208) 753-7151
Wallace Chamber
12 Ten-week Saturday Free Ski School begins at Lookout Pass
Snow Log and Commentary
(208) 744-1301
20 Winter Carnival, Family Fun Day at Lookout Pass
Snow Log and Commentary
(208) 744-1301
27 Bavarian Brews, Brats & Music Fest at Lookout Pass
Snow Log and Commentary
(208) 744-1301


FEBRUARY 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 6 page, 2.33 MB PDF file

1 Toyota Free Ski Day at Silver Mountain (208) 783-1111
15 Toyota Free Ski Day at Lookout Pass (208) 744-1301

MARCH 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 4 page, 1.71 MB PDF file

8, 9, 10,
15, 16, 17,
22, 23, 24
29th season of spring melodrama 29th season of Spring Melodrama opens at the Sixth Street Theatre with "Lucky Enough..."
written by A. J. Werner
click on hat for pdf poster
29th season of spring melodrama
click to enlarge rehearsal photo
(208) 752-8871
16 Free Ski School Graduation,
Awards Ceremony & BBQ at Lookout Pass
(208) 744-1301
30 Season Pass Holder Appreciation Day, Beach Party Luau and Big Kahuna Race at Lookout Pass (208) 744-1301


Silver Valley Business Expo 2013 Silver Valley Business Expo 2013
at SMC Health and Education Building in Smelterville
858 Commerce Drive (west of Walmart)
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Click graphic to get pdf registration form and more information.
(208) 784-0821
Kellogg Chamber
27 2013 Leadman Triathlon
  • run 200 feet across snow in order to ski/board 1 mile
  • bike downhill 7 to 11 miles
  • run 4.0 to 4.5 miles
  • more information: leadmantriathlon.com
Silver Mountain Resort


MAY 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 4 page, 1211 KB PDF file

1 Sierra Silver Mine miner Sierra Silver Mine Tour opens for the season at the corner of Fifth and Bank Streets (208) 752-5151
1 Silver Streak Zipline Tours Silver Streak Zipline Tours
  • opens for the season at 516 Pine Street
  • $75 for tour of SIX ziplines traveling 5,375 feet
(208) 556-1690
2 41st Sunshine Mine Disaster Memorial Service (208) 784-0821
4 Loyalty Day Parade in Osburn (208) 753-7151

click to open PDF poster in separate window 7th Annual Pre-Depot Day Dinner Dance

This time it will be at Elks Lodge 331, 419 Cedar Street, with music by Anita Royce and the High Rollers

Click poster to get letter-sized high-resolution poster; click High Rollers to open larger photo in separate window.

Tom Hayes
(208) 556-5438
11 28th annual Depot Day
or Northern Pacific Railroad Depot Museum Festival and Classic Car Show 2013
in downtown Wallace
  • Kiwanis Breakfast 7-11 AM
  • Live Music with Anita Royce and the High Rollars beginning at 11 AM at the Gazebo
  • Beer Garden with local Micros
  • "Brat Boys" and other Food Booths
  • Crafts and Unique Vendor Booths
  • Children's Games
  • Free Depot Museum Tours
  • Model Railroad Display
  • Dinner Dance Friday Night with Anita Royce and the High Rollars
  • 16 Classes & 50 Trophies
  • Raffles
  • Fun for the Entire Family!
2012 DEPOT DAY RESULTS click to see Depot Day 2012
(208) 752-0111
Depot Museum

Original Route of the Hiawatha Logo The Route of the Hiawatha Rail-Trail will be open daily from May 25 thru September 29, 2013. The trail, trailheads, and facilities are open from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. During the peak season, June 24 thru September 2, the hours are extended to 5:30 PM (PDT).

Lookout Pass


JUNE 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 4 page, 1,820 KB PDF file

1 - 2

Wallace Street Fair, June 1 - 2, 2013 Downtown Wallace Street Fair

featuring vendors from the Northwest

Antiques, Arts, Crafts, Music, Kid Games & Food

Friday, May 31, Setup & pre-sale
Saturday, June 1, 8am - 7pm
Sunday June 2, 10am - 3pm

  • Bill Turner Blues/Country Band
  • One Gun & the Long Shots
(208) 556-1037
(208) 290-7183
13 - 15

Come see the 72th running of the Lead Creek Derby from Mullan to Wallace, June 15, 2013 Gyro Days Carnival and Lead Creek Derby in Wallace

Thursday is the start of the downtown Carnival that runs through Saturday night.

The 72nd running of the Lead Creek Derby from Mullan to Wallace will begin at noon on Saturday, June 15, 2013.

The Lead Creek Derby Raffle
is based on the time it takes the Gyro Ball
to float from Mullan to Wallace. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.
  • 1st wins $1000 worth of silver coins
  • 2nd - 6th wins $100
  • 7th - 11th wins $50
  • 12th - 14th wins $25
(208) 512-3965
Wallace Gyro Club
15 Lead Creek Breakfast at the Morning Club in Mullan (208) 744-1601
Dan White
15 72nd running of the Lead Creek Derby from Mullan to Wallace (208) 512-3965
Lead Creek Derby 2010


Click on the Gyro Ball
to see
Photos and Winners

2011 Lead Creek Derby winners
15 Silver Mountain gondola begins summer mountain bike and hiking season
  • open June 15/16 and 22/23
  • open Friday through Tuesday from June 28 to September 2
  • Chair 3 will run Saturday/Sunday all summer
  • new beginner trail to bottom of Chair 3
  • over 30 miles of developed trails
  • gondola serves 3400 foot vertical drop
(208) 783-1111
(866) 344-2675
Silver Mountain Resort
21 Bridge the Years and Ride the Wall bicycle event will be based out of Cataldo this year.

Celebrate the longest day of the year by participating in a non-competitive 13 mile bicycle ride via the historic CCC-Wall Ridge route, a picturesque road that winds along and above the Coeur d'Alene River. This year the course will be reversed. For the last 15 years, this event was hosted by Joe and Rose Mary Peak at their Enaville Resort, but with their passing, the event will now begin and end in their memory at the Mission Inn, 36179 East Canyon Road in Cataldo (Take I-90, Exit 40). As usual, the ride will conclude with a BBQ.

Therefore, this year, the first part of the ride is 8 miles on a one-lane, gravel dirt road that is rigorously uphill for about a mile, and later sharply downhill to Enaville. Things calm down as the ride returns downstream to Cataldo beside the Coeur d'Alene River on the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes.

    Proceeds will benefit
  • Silver Valley Fuller Center for Housing
  • Rose Lake Quick Response Unit
(208) 786-6013
Fuller Center


JULY 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 4 page, 1.10 MB PDF file

3 Idaho Statehood Day
parade through Downtown Wallace
(208) 290-7183
Anita Price
4 July 4, 2013, Silver Valley Celebration Silver Valley 4th of July Celebration
  • Silver Valley Firecracker 5K Fun Run along the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes
    • Kellogg Middle School
    • 7:30 AM registration
    • 9:00 AM race starts
  • 8:30 - 11:00 AM Pancake Breakfast, Kellogg Elks Lodge
  • 11:00 AM Star Spangled Parade
  • music, entertainment, activities all day throughout Kellogg
  • 9:45 PM Fireworks display lasting longer than ever before
(208) 784-0821
Silver Valley Chamber
3 - 28 Sixth Street Theater, 30th summer season 30th Summer Season
July 3 through July 28, 2012
Lookout, Mullan
or Look Out Mullan!
Sixth Street Theater, 30th summer season  
Will dastardly Sylvester P. Moneywort and his henchman Buck be able to wrest control of the Lookout Pass Canine Parcel Express from proprieter Don Walde?
Written by Pat Grounds
Directed by Jesse Duncan
click the dog to open a printable pdf poster in a separate window.
(208) 752-8871
Sixth Street Theater
10 Sierra Silver Mine miner Sierra Silver Mine Tour adds a Ghost Town Trolly
that takes visitors back in history up Burke Canyon,
and also leaves from the corner of Fifth and Bank Streets
(208) 752-5151
Sue Halley
12 - 14 Best 2012 Blues Festival awarded to Wallace Idaho Second Annual Wallace Blues Festival

Thank you to the members of the Inland Empire Blues Society for voting our first Historic Wallace Blues Festival the Best Blues Event for 2012. As one observer said, "It was like winning Most Valuable Player and Rookie of the Year at the same time." We hope to stay worthy of such praise. So for our second Wallace Blues Festival, we did not want to disappoint. Instead of last year's fourteen performers, we will have TWENTY-ONE PERFORMERS downtown on six stages over three days for an outrageous Blues Festival that you will never forget!

Here is a one page pdf performance line-up. Open this GoogleEarth based five-frame animation of downtown Wallace to see the six Friday, Saturday, and Sunday venues. The 1024x705 pixel gif animation opens in a separate window.

go to RECAP page RECAP: 21 performers on 6 stages over 3 days
under construction last updated on October 17, 2017

(208) 512-1260
BluesFest Committee
22 - 27 19th annual ATV Jamboree and Rodeo 2013
in and around Wallace.
The Jamboree features a week long schedule of events, including daily hosted trail rides, social gatherings and, capping the week off, friendly competition in the ATV Rodeo.
(208) 512-2269
High Mountain ATV Association


AUGUST 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 4 page, 1.50 MB PDF file

July 31 - 25 Sixth Street Theater, 30th summer season 30th Summer Season
July 31 through August 25, 2013
Mining Madness at the Mill
or A Big Bang for Bunker Hill
Sixth Street Theater, 30th summer season  
Will Miner Mike be released from the Bullpen prison in time to help Maria? Will the dastardly Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mine owner take the house right out from under her?
Written by Carol Roberts
Directed by Paul and Carol Roberts
click miner to open a printable pdf poster in a separate window.
(208) 752-8871
Sixth Street Theater
3 26th Cd'A District Mining Competition
at Gene Day Park in Osburn
(208) 556-2535
Bob McPhail
3 Silver Mountain Brewsfest
2013 Concert at Silver Mountain

click to get letter size poster

Cool mountain air, hot live music and 35 varieties of ice cold beer from eighteen craft breweries will make this traditional Silver Mountain festival rock!

  1. Doghouse Boyz    1:00 - 1:45 PM
  2. Nu Jack City    2:00 - 3:30 PM
  3. Eclectic Approach    4:00 - 5:30 PM www.eclecticapproach.com
  • Gates open at 1:00 pm and close at 6:00 pm, remember to leave plenty of time for the 20 minute gondola ride up the mountain.
  • After the music ends on the mountain, the party will continue in the Gondola Village with a 6 to 9 PM performance by the Doghouse Boyz, as featured at the second annual Wallace Blues Festival.
  • Ticket Prices are: $29.95 in advance and $34.95 the day of Brews Fest.
  • Tickets Include: Scenic Gondola ride to and from the event, Beer tasting mug, Starter tasting tickets and access to 3 great musical performances. Additional Beer tickets can be purchased on site.
  • Purchase Ticket
(208) 783-1111
Silver Mountain
3 Pinehurst Days and Car Show
in Pinehurst
(208) 783-1118
Bruce Rumpel
3-4 Fireman's Fun Festival
in Mullan
(208) 744-1645
Elliott's Garage
9 - 11 Molly B'Damn Days in Murray
  • helicopter rides
  • walk on water pool
  • archery contest
  • classic cars
  • bounce house
  • vendors
  • Saturday music in park
    • John Patrick Williams
    • BlackJack Band
  • Saturday parade & show
  • raffles for gold & beef
(208) 682-3901
Sprag Pole
9 - 11 3rd Annual Historic Wallace Accordion Festival
Wallace Accordion Festival 2013 flyer, page 1
Click to open this Wallace Chamber poster as a letter sized pdf file in a separate window.

Commemmorative 2013 posters, enamel lapel pins, buttons, bumper and luggage stickers are also available from the Wallace Chamber. See Registration Form.

Poster and Final Schedule
  • Friday, August 9th
    • 10 a.m. - Registration opens, Elks Lodge
      • costs vary for workshops, lessons and concerts
      • weekend value packages available
      • everything else is free to public
    • 11 a.m. - Street Fair & Vendor Booths open
    • 11 a.m. - Workshop by Bruce Gassman, Elks Lodge
    •  1 p.m. - 5 p.m. - Open mike at Gazebo
      • Be a stage star, either with or without back-up. Call 208 699-7554 to sign up for your 15 minutes of fame
      • Back-up from Michael Bridge available at various times between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
    • 2 p.m. - Dance lesson with Lynn Bridge, Elks Lodge
    • 3 p.m. - Workshop by Bruce Gassman, Elks Lodge
    • 4 p.m. - Dance lesson with Lynn Bridge, Elks Lodge
    • 7 p.m. - Concert starring Bruce Gassman;
      • opening act by Sam Thomas
      • Elks Lodge Upstairs
  • Saturday, August 10th Accordion Festival logo
    • 9 a.m. - Registration opens, Elks Lodge
    • 9:30 a.m. - Parade lineup in front of Elks Lodge
      (Join in, with or without accordion!)
    • 10 a.m. - Accordion Celebration Parade, downtown
    • 11 a.m. - Street Fair & Vendor Booths open
    • 11 a.m. - Workshop by Michael Bridge, Elks Lodge
    • 1 p.m. - Special showing of Charlie Chaplin's silent film "The Kid" starring Jackie Coogan, with Michael Bridge providing "pit" music, Sixth Street Theater
    • 2:30 p.m. - Youth Competition with cash prizes on Gazebo
      • Beginner: up through Palmer Hughes Level 4
      • Intermediate: Palmer Hughes Level 5 and up
      • Open to ages 32 and under
    • 4:30 p.m. - Dance lesson by Lynn Bridge, Elks Lodge
    • 7 p.m. - Concert & Dance featuring Michael Bridge, Elks Lodge
  • Sunday, August 11th
    • 8 - 11 a.m. - Farewell Breakfast at Elks Lodge
      Come say goodbye to your new and old friends at the Farewell Pancake Breakfast.

dancing at the 2013 Accordion Festival

A six page pdf newsletter capturing the THIRD annual Historic Wallace Accordion Festival in words and pictures is yours for the clicking.

(208) 753-7151
Wallace Chamber
16 - 17 Huckleberry Heritage Festival, August 16 - 17, 2013 28th Annual Huckleberry Festival 2013
Downtown Wallace
  • Craft, Food and Other Vendors
    • Friday 11 AM to 8 PM
    • Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM
  • Great Kid Activities
  • Live Music on the Gazebo
  • Huckleberry Hound & Sheriff Campaigns

Historic Wallace Marketing Group's Vendor Registration and Information Form and 5K Run/Walk Registration pdf files may be opened in separate windows.

(208) 556-1037
(208) 512-4677
Historic Wallace
Marketing Group
17 Wallace Rotary's Huckleberry Pancake Breakfast
from 7 to 11 AM
(208) 556-1037
17 5K Huckleberry Fun Run
registration from 7:30 to 8:30 AM
race/walk at 9:00 AM
(208) 556-1037
27 Eighth Annual Good Samaritan Bike-A-Rama
Good Sam Bike Jam 2013
  • Ride at 6 PM and BBQ at 6:30 on Tuesday evening.
  • Cyclists will be shuttled to Mullan at 5:30 and ride 10 miles back to Silverton on the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes.
  • Click poster top to see entire 8.5x11 inch pdf poster in separate window.
(208) 556-1147
Mitzi Scheel
30 - 31

Wallace Downtown Merchants present Crazy Days

Wallace downtown merchants present Crazy Days


Click image to open letter sized pdf poster for entire weekend

31 - 2

Under the Freeway Flea Market 2013

Ninth Annual
Under the Freeway Flea Market


Click image to open letter sized pdf poster for entire weekend

(208) 752-0111
Historic Wallace Preservation Society


SEPTEMBER 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 4 page, 2.36 MB PDF file


Wallace Rotary Club presents Running of the Ducks

Wallace Rotary Club presents the Running of the Ducks


Click image to open letter sized pdf poster for entire weekend

Rotary Club
(208) 752-5151
8 Staff House Museum's Pie Social in Kellogg (208) 786-4141
12 FREE Community Barbecue Dinner
will be served between 5:30 & 6:30 PM at the Silver Wood Good Samaritan Village
405 West Seventh Street in Silverton

"The residents and employees would like to thank the community with our annual BBQ in appreciation of all they do to support us."

(208) 556-1147
Mary Scheel
14 Mine to Vine Bicycle Ride

Take a shuttle to Mullan, then ride 18.3 miles downhill on the paved Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes to the Silver Mountain Resort for a Wine Tasting and Dinner Party at the Gondola Village.

letter-sized pdf poster

(208) 783-1111
Silver Mountain
14 Silver Mountain Pre-SOB
is a 9.5 mile trail run that climbs 4000 vertical feet!

Next year Silver Mountain will host the real SOB (Summit or Bust) event that will add a 9.5 mile mountain bike leg that drops back down the mountain. Click logo to go to ironcoreracing.com for information and registration.

(208) 783-1111
Silver Mountain
15 Silver Mountain Hill Climb
is a 10 mile bike race that climbs 3400 vertical feet!
  • scenic dirt road
  • full suspension bikes advised
  • helmets required
  • registration until 9:30 AM
  • race starts at 10 AM
  • to register or for more info, contact
    Terra Sports at (208) 765-5446
  • Check out this event on their Facebook page
  • click image for letter-sized poster
(208) 783-1111
Silver Mountain
17-21 Elks Roundup in Wallace Elks logo
(208) 753-4255
28 - 29 Harvest Fest
at the Silver Mountain Gondola Village
  • Craft Fair
  • Kids Craft Fair, Games & Prizes
  • BBQ
  • Live Music, noon to 4 PM
    • Mark Holt on Saturday
    • Dirk Lind on Sunday
  • Scenic Gondola Rides
  • click image for letter-sized poster
(208) 783-1111
Silver Mountain


OCTOBER 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 4 page, 995 KB PDF file

18, 19, 20,
25, 26, 27,
1, 2, 3
Sixth Street Theater, 30th Fall Season 30th Fall Season
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
October 18 to November 3, 2013
yellow bird
It's For The Birds!
A fowl musical that is certain to tickle your feathers
Directed by Joy Persoon and Ken Bartle
Click poster image to open letter-sized pdf poster in a separate window.
(208) 752-8871
Sixth Street Theater


blue bird

19 2013 Wallace Halloween Bash and Chamber of Commerce Fundraiser

This traditional October event is the Wallace Chamber�s primary fundraiser of the year, and is vital to keeping the visitors center open and the chamber office staffed.

This year we will have a Halloween Bash on October 19th, complete with live and silent auctions, casino games, entertainment, a great dinner and a costume contest. The party will be held at the Elks Lodge. Tickets are $18 in advance or $35 per couple and $20 at the door. Auction items are starting to come in, including a 2002 Mercury Sable donated by Dave Smith Motors, an outdoor patio 4-piece steel seating set from Wallace True Value, tickets to local attractions, gift baskets and much more. Halloween Bash 2013, car to be auctioned However, more donations are always needed and appreciated to ensure a fun and successful event. The evening begins at 5:30 PM with silent auction bidding and casino games. Dinner prepared by Sano Haldi will be served at 6:30 PM. The live auction will follow. After the auction closes, party goers are invited to dance to the music of local favorites, One Gun and the Longshots. To add to the festivities, attendees are encouraged to dress in Halloween attire and be eligible for costume contest prizes. To help, donate or purchase tickets, please contact Diane at the Chamber office (208) 753-7151.

(208) 753-7151


2013 Wallace Halloween Bash and Chamber of Commerce Fundraiser


NOVEMBER 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 4 page, 2,568 KB PDF file

2 & 3 Silver Valley Fall Fair logo 32nd Arts & Crafts Fall Fair
at the Silver Hills Elementary School in Osburn
crafts, lunch, music, drawings, demonstrations
Click link to open pdf poster in a separate window.
(208) 556-0146
(208) 783-4031
20 Wallace Holiday Open House
5:00 to 7:00 in downtown Wallace
Merchants who want to participate are asked to give gift certificates for their business. As in years past, they can give one or more certificates, and the dollar amount is up to the merchant. An expiration date is recommended (by the end of this promotion or by the end of the year), but it's left to the merchant to determine how much they wish to give.
How it works: Shoppers come in and get a card from the first business they visit, and that merchant stamps or signs one of the boxes on the card. Customers take the card around to participating merchants and have each one stamp or sign one box. There are 12 boxes so they need 12 different business stamps or signatures. They bring their completed cards to the Depot Museum for a drawing at 7:00 PM. Customers must be preasent to win. Grand Prize is $128 in Wallace Script.
Wallace Script is in $1 and $5 denominations; no change is given. Merchants who receive script for purchases will be reimbursed with cash.
(208) 556-2005


DECEMBER 2013 Wallace Chamber Newsletter
download 4 page, 1606 KB PDF file

1 - 5 Again this year, the Yuletide Lighting Contest will be judged by a Wallace Chamber committee based on APPLICATIONS from
  • residents of Wallace, Osburn, Silverton and Mullan.
    • To enter, fill out the form and turn it in to the Chamber Office by December 2, 2013.
    • The winner in each town will receive $50.
    • Have your home decorated by Tuesday, December 4, as it will be judged that evening.
  • downtown Wallace businesses.
    • To enter, fill out the form and turn it in to the Chamber Office by December 2, 2013.
    • Ribbons and Certificates will be awarded to the winners.
    • Businesses will be judged by Wednesday, December 5, 2013.
Entry forms must be turned in to the Wallace Chamber office at 10 River Street by December 2nd to qualify.
(208) 753-7151
Wallace Chamber
Wallace lighting festival contest
6, 7, 13, 14, 15 Wallace Yuletide Celebration

This year's Christmas ornament features another of our historic buildings: the Sears-McDonald Building at the corner of Cedar and Fifth streets. Now it is the home of the Brooks Hotel, Restaurant and Lounge.

click to view higher resolution image in separate window Ornaments may be purchased for $8.48 (tax included) at

  • the Chamber office
  • Idaho Silver Shop
  • A Hint of Whimsy
  • Price Tag Antiques

If you would like to reserve yours for your collection or are looking for any previous ornaments, please call Rayma at 556-1171 (Idaho Silver Shop).

click to open Yuletide 2013 shirt order form In 2013, the Wallace Yuletide Shirt is long-sleeved and red with this logo on left chest. To purchase this year's red long-sleeve Yuletide T-shirt, or to see a comprehensive schedule of holiday events, go to Wallace Yuletide Lighting Festival 2013.

(208) 753-7151
Wallace Chamber
Wallace Yuletide Lighting Festival
13, 14 & 15 Sixth Street Theater 2013 Christmas Show Sixth Street Theater 2013 Christmas Show
Christmas at Sixth Street

Come join us for a fun filled show that will be sure to help kick off the holiday season.
click the singers to open a printable pdf poster in a separate window.
(208) 752-8871
Sixth Street Theater

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This Wallace FESTIVALS page was last modified on December 10, 2013.


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Or you may simply make a direct contribution to my ongoing effort to popularize Wallace and the Silver Valley by using the PayPal Donate button.

Thank you for your support.
Greg Marsh, Ph.D.
Marsh Scientific Services

If you are new to this page, please leave a bookmark or share it with a friend:    
Wallace is at the center of a universe filled with mountain recreation and Old West history that you will want to visit more than once. Please tell me what you would like to see on this and other pages at my Historic Wallace Idaho webworks.
click to enter Greg's Store

Greg Marsh, Ph.D.
    doing business as
Marsh Scientific Services     Marsh Scientific Services is Greg Marsh, Ph.D.
[email protected]

Please visit these websuites:
click to see the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes
click to see the Route of the Hiawatha

Marsh Scientific Services is Greg Marsh ©1998-2018, Marsh Scientific Services, Greg Marsh, Ph.D.
last update on Tuesday, December 10, 2013