Yuletide Lighting Festival 2014
in Historic Wallace Idaho

click to enlarge photo by Leona DiVecchia

In 2014, the Historic Wallace Yuletide Celebration and Lighting Festival will again entertain during the first two weeks of December.

Photos from previous Yuletide Lighting Festivals!

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Our annual Yuletide Lighting Festival will kick-off this year by decorating downtown and residential areas from December 1st to 5th. "Make Wallace Shine": light up and decorate Wallace Parks, South Hill, Depot, Library, Downtown, Residential, Everywhere.

As usual, contests for the best Wallace business display, and for the best residential displays in Wallace, Osburn, Silverton and Mullan will reward creativity.

  • Kick Off
    • December 1st - 5th
    • “Make Wallace Shine”
    • Decorate Wallace by December 5th (Parks, South Hill, Depot Library, Downtown, Residential, Everywhere)
  • Friday December 5th      Shop Wallace
    • Winter Walk starts at 6:00 PM in front of the Depot
    • Scenes and Music in 4 churches (with refreshments)
    • 3:00 - 6:00 PM: Local Vendors Holiday Craft Fair at Depot
  • Saturday December 6      Shop Wallace
    • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Local Vendor Craft Fair at Depot
    • 9:00 - 11:30 AM: Breakfast with Santa at the Elks
      • $5 per person food and drink
      • Little Miss and Master Snowflake Contest at 9:30
      • followed by a visit from Santa
      • Face Painting with the Elk's Queen and princesses
    • 12:00 - 2:00 PM: Christmas Movie at Sixth Street Theater
    • 12:00 PM: Special Yuletide Tea and Entertainment Show in Silver Tea Room
    • 2:00 PM: Santa arrives at Depot in Fire Truck
    • 2:00 PM: Pictures with Santa at Depot
    • 6:00 - 8:00 PM: Hayrides throughout town, leaving from Depot
  • Friday December 12      Shop Wallace
    • Popcorn and Espresso Coffee Vendor at Depot
    • 5:30 PM: Parade lineup on Pine Street
    • 6:00 PM: Lighted Yuletide Parade for everyone
    • 6:40 - 7:30 PM: Celebration at the Depot, Hot Chocolate, Lite Sticks, Music
    • 7:00 PM: Sixth Street Theater Christmas Show
    • 7:00 PM: Hayride thru town and residential area
  • Saturday December 13      Shop Wallace
    • Popcorn and Espresso Coffee Vendor at Depot
    • 9:00 AM: Wallace Senior Center Bake Off, stop by for coffee and goodies
    • 10:00 AM: Paw Parade leaving from parking lot across from Brooks to Samuels Park
    • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Book Reading for Children and Pictures with Santa at the Depot
    • 12:00 PM: Special Yuletide Tea and Entertainment Show in the Silver Tea Room
    • 1:00 - 3:00 PM: Pictures with Santa at the Depot
    • 2:00 - 7:00 PM: Sixth Street Theater Christmas Show
    • 6:00 - 8:00 PM: Hayrides throughout town, leaving from Depot
  • Sunday December 14
    • 4:00 PM: last Sixth Street Theater Christmas Show
  • Saturday December 20      Shop Wallace
    • 12:00 PM: Special Yuletide Tea and Entertainment Show in the Silver Tea Room

Donations are appreciated for all activities. Please call the Wallace Chamber of Commerce at (208) 753-7175

Again this year, the Yuletide Lighting Contest will be judged by a Wallace Chamber committee based on APPLICATIONS from
  • residents of Wallace, Osburn, Silverton and Mullan.
    • To enter, fill out the form and turn it in to the Chamber Office by December 1, 2014.
    • The winner in each town will receive $50.
    • Have your home decorated by Thursday, December 4, as it will be judged that evening.
  • downtown Wallace businesses.
    • To enter, fill out the form and turn it in to the Chamber Office by Monday, December 1, 2014.
    • Ribbons and Certificates will be awarded to the winners.
    • Businesses will be judged by Friday, December 5, 2014.
Wallace lighting festival contest
Remember: Entry forms must be turned in to the Wallace Chamber office at 10 River Street by December 1st to qualify.


This year's Christmas ornament features another of our historic buildings: the Howes and King Building at 606 Bank Street. Now it is the home of the Idaho Silver Shop. Original structure was erected in 1884 by owners Henry E. Howes and Horace G. King, early Wallace merchants. These two men ran a grocery business and general store out of a log cabin at this site. After the 1890 fire, the building was rebuilt with bricks manufactured in Silverton.

click to view higher resolution image in separate window Ornaments may be purchased for $9.54 (tax included) at

  • the Chamber office
  • Idaho Silver Shop
  • A Hint of Whimsy
  • Price Tag Antiques

If you would like to reserve yours for your collection or are looking for any previous ornaments, please call Rayma at 556-1171 (Idaho Silver Shop).

click to open Yuletide 2014 shirt order form In 2014, the Wallace Yuletide Shirt is long-sleeved and forest green with this logo on left chest.
Click image to open the Wallace Chamber's Yuletide 2014 shirt order form
$20 for S, M, L or XL
$23 for XXL
$25 for XXXL
(tax included)


Anyone who would like more information about this festival, or would like to participate, is urged to contact the organizers of this event using the following form.

More winter and festival photos follow this form. Clicking on any image will open a larger version of it in a separate window.

Wallace Christmas Festival 2014
Name: (required)
E-mail: (required)
I want to take part in the Winter Walk.
I want to help work on this festival.
I want more information about this festival.
I want a commemorative T-shirt (tax included).
small    $20
medium    $20
large    $20
extra large    $20
extra extra large    $23
XXX-large    $25
I want an ornament for $9.54
Shirt prices include 6% Idaho Sales Tax
Number of Items Purchased:
Amount of check: $ to be delivered to the Wallace Chamber, 10 River Street, Wallace ID 83873
I want to join the Wallace Chamber of Commerce.
I want to join the Wallace Marketing Group.
Comment, Question and/or Purchase Detail

Please call me at
Best time to call:
Please send info as a facsimile to
Please send info to


Winter Festival 2009 photos by Aubrey Stovern
click to enlarge in separate window click to enlarge in separate window click to enlarge in separate window
Winter Festival 2008 photos by Aubrey Stovern
click to enlarge in separate window click to enlarge in separate window click to enlarge in separate window
Winter Festival 2007 photos by Aubrey Stovern
click to enlarge in separate window click to enlarge in separate window click to enlarge in separate window
Photo by Leona DiVecchia -- click to enlarge Photo by Leona DiVecchia -- click to enlarge Normally the Winter Walk in Wallace is a crisp and clear stroll through the sparkling neighborhood. In 2001, however, it was too warm, yet the soggy high school band still played on. The 2000 tree contest and the 2001 Little Miss Snowflake competition are also pictured, thanks to Debbie Angle. The non-festival winter pictures to the right and left were taken by Leona DiVecchia. Clicking on any image will open a larger version of it in a separate window.
Photo by Debbie Angle -- click to enlarge Photo by Debbie Angle -- click to enlarge
Photo by Debbie Angle -- click to enlarge Photo by Debbie Angle -- click to enlarge

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Yuletide Lighting Festival
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Greg Marsh, Ph.D.
Marsh Scientific Services

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Greg Marsh, Ph.D.
    doing business as
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[email protected]

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Marsh Scientific Services is Greg Marsh ©1998-2018, Marsh Scientific Services, Greg Marsh, Ph.D.
last update on Wednesday, December 03, 2014